Pages Jason Alexander Uses A Girlie Weight Loss Program To Drop 30 Pounds

U.S. actor and Jenny Craig spokesman Jason Alexander has achieved his weight-loss goal of 30 pounds in 18 weeks.

The award-winning actor, who has starred in television, theater and film, celebrates his weight loss in a song-and-dance musical commercial for Jenny Craig during which he dons a tiny black spandex outfit.
As the Jenny Craig spokesperson mentioned at the beginning of the conference, many men looking for diet options are in the same boat as Jason Alexander, but less likely than females to join weight loss programs. "Most men have concerns about Jenny -- eating just Jenny food," said Jason Alexander, "but that's not the case."
Besides saying that the Jenny food was "really good," Jason Alexander told the group that he never felt hungry on the plan. In fact, in the first few weeks, he said he "couldn't even finish all of the Jenny food." Jason Alexander joked that he was Jenny Craig's best client, since he hasn't found anything that he won't eat and let's them "tell me what the hell I need to eat and I'll eat it."
"I was fifty when I started this program, but I felt so much older," said Jason Alexander. "Now I feel as though I'm finally sneaking back into my forties." When That's Fit asked Alexander about his favorite foods on the menu, he said that the Triple Chocolate Cheesecake and the Chicken Fettuccine take the cake. The actor said he has even tried out dishes of his own. "The 'Jason Craig' cookbook should be out soon," he jested.