
Pop star Jennifer Lopez cancels north Cyprus show

Singer Jennifer Lopez has put the kibosh on a show in the Turkish-controlled north of Cyprus. The performance came under fire from Greek Cypriots, who started an online campaign calling for the gig to be canceled.
"Jennifer Lopez would never knowingly support any state, country, institution or regime that was associated with any form of human rights abuse," a statement on Lopez's website said.
"After a full review of the relevant circumstances in Cyprus, it was the decision of her advisors to withdraw from the appearance. This was a team decision that reflects our sensitivity to the political realities of the region."

Lopez, her husband singer Marc Anthony and their two children were due to stay at the Cratos Premium Hotel, located in a region where thousands of Greek Cypriots were displaced from in 1974. She was booked to perform there on July 24.
The gig, scheduled for J.Lo's 41st birthday, reportedly would've come with a $3-million paycheck. Apparently, as Beyoncé may have learned after playing a little New Year's Eve gig in St. Barth's for a son of Moammar Kadafi, not every multimillion-dollar paycheck is worth it the hassle.