
Foreign secretary William Hague and his wife Ffion have moved into a grace-and-favour flat in central London

with his sexy wife
William Hague has moved into a grace-and-favour flat in central London - and offered to fund any redecoration it needs, it has emerged.
The foreign secretary moved into the central London property last month - even though his predecessor David Miliband never lived there and remained in his own north London home.
The Foreign Office insisted that any increase in running costs caused by the Hagues using the flat would be 'minimal'.
And the foreign secretary and his wife Ffion have pledged to fund any redecoration costs from their own pockets.

But the decision to move into the sumptuous 1 Carlton Gardens property near Pall Mall - three years after it was last occupied - will raise eyebrows at a time when everyone else is having to tighten their belts in the wake of the credit crunch.